M. Sc. Hauke F. Deeken

© Uni-Bonn

Research assistant at the Institute for Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bonn

Research areas

Hauke F. Deeken has been working at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bonn since 1 August 2019 in the Department of Process Engineering in Animal Production headed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Büscher. During this time, Mr. Deeken first worked on the research project "EnergARA" (01.08.2019 - 30.06.2021) and since then on the research project "RESPilage" (since 01.07.2021). The scientific work is intended to serve as the basis for a doctorate in agricultural sciences.

Curriculum vitae

After a two-year apprenticeship as a farmer (01.08.2012 - 31.07.2014) in the Lower Rhine region, Mr. Deeken began his Bachelor's studies (01.10.2014 - 30.09.2017) at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in the course of studies for a Bachelor's degree in vocational college in the subjects of agricultural and animal sciences. This was followed by a Master's degree in Animal Science (01.10.2017 - 31.07.2019), which he successfully completed with a Master of Science degree. After completing his studies, he began his work and doctoral studies at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering (since 01.08.2019).

Projects/Third-party funds



07/2021 bis jetzt


Runtime:             08/2019 bis 06/2021


  • Deeken, H. F.; Maack, G.-C.; Trimborn, M.; Schmithausen, A. J.; Büscher, W. (2023): Greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound emissions
    of maize silage during aerobic reheating process. In: XIX International Silage Conference (ISC), 08.09.2023 – 12.08.2023, Beijing, China
  • Maack, G.-C.; Deeken, H. F.; Sun, Y.; Büscher, W. (2023): Calibration of a hand penetrometer to estimate crop density at the silo face. In: XIX International Silage Conference (ISC), 08.09.2023 – 12.08.2023, Beijing, China
  • Deeken, H. F.; Maack, G.-C.; Trimborn, M.; Schmithausen, A. J.; Büscher, W. (2023): Greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound emissions
    of maize silage during aerobic reheating process. In: XIX International Silage Conference (ISC), 08.09.2023 – 12.08.2023, Beijing, China
  • Deeken, H. F.; Lengling, A.; Krommweh, M. S.; Büscher, W. (2023): Langzeituntersuchung: Luft-Luft-Wärmetauscher von hdt: Was ist die Abluft wert?. Ausgabe Februar (2) 2023
  • Deeken, H. F.; Lengling, A.; Krommweh, M. S.; Büscher, W. (2023): Langzeituntersuchung: Triple-EEE Wärmerückgewinnung mit Kühl- und Heizsystem von Inno+.:Wenn der Wäscher zur Heizung wird. Ausgabe Juni (6) 2023
  • Deeken, H. F.; Lengling, A.; Krommweh, M. S.; Büscher, W. (2023): Mit Abluftwärme heizen. SUS, Schweinezucht und Schweinemast. Ausgabe Juni/Juli (3) 2023, S. 24-26.
  • Lengling, A.; Deeken, H. F.; Krommweh, M. S.; Büscher, W. (2023): Nutzung der regenerativen Energiequelle „Abluftreinigungsanlage“ für das Kühlen und Heizen von Tierställen – Fallstudienuntersuchungen. Abschlussbericht des Forschungsprojektes EnergARA. Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft, Universität Bonn. URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/10857
  • Alexander J. Schmithausen, Hauke F. Deeken, Katrin Gerlach, Manfred Trimborn, Kirsten Weiß, Wolfgang Büscher & Gerd-Christian Maack (2022) Greenhouse gas formation during the ensiling process of grass and lucerne silage.
    Journal of Environmental Management Volume 304 15 February 2022, 114142
  • Hauke F. Deeken, Manuel S. Krommweh, Alexandra Lengling, Wolfgang Büscher (2022):
    Energy Efficiency Improvement and Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction in Piglet Rearing using Air-to-air Heat Exchangers.
    8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference, 05.06.2022 – 09.06.2022, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Hauke F. Deeken, Gerd-Christian Maack, Alexander J. Schmithausen, Manfred Trimborn, Wolfgang Büscher (2022):
    Formation of Greenhouse Gases by Corn Silage during the Ensiling Process.
    8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference, 05.06.2022 – 09.06.2022, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Deeken, H. F.; Maack, G.-C.; Schmithausen, A. J.; Trimborn, M.; Büscher, W. (2022): Formation of Greenhouse Gases by Corn Silage during the Ensiling Process. In: 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA), 05.06.2022 – 09.06.2022, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Deeken, H. F.; Krommweh, M. S.; Lengling, A.; Büscher, W. (2022): Energy Efficiency Improvement and Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction in Piglet Rearing using Air-to-air Heat Exchangers. In: 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA), 05.06.2022 – 09.06.2022, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Manuel S. Krommweh, Hauke F. Deeken, Hannah Licharz & Wolfgang Büscher (2021) Healting Performance and Ammonia Removal of a Single-Stage Bioscrubber Pilot Plant with Integrated Heat Exchanger under Field Conditions
    Energies 2021, 14, 6484

  • Guilin Shan, Wolfgang Buescher, Christian Maack, Gereon Glenz, Andreas Milimonka, Hauke Deeken, David A. Grantz, Ye Wang & Yuriu Sun (2021)
    Multi-Sensor measurement of O², CO² and reheating in triticale silage: An extended approach from aerobic stability to aerobic microbial respiration.
    Biosystems Engineering, Volume 207, Pages 1-11


  • Manuel S. Krommweh, Alexander J. Schmithausen, Hauke F. Deeken, Wolfgang Büscher, Gerd-Christian Maack (2020) A new experimental setup for measuring greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound emissions of silage during the aerobic storage period in a special silage respiration chamber, Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115513
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